If you are registered and have not received your voting pack or have damaged or lost it, you can ask for a Special Voting Pack. You can also ask for a Special Voting Pack for other Ngāti Porou ki Hauraki whānau over 18 years old.
If you need a Special Voting Pack, please contact the independent election company Electionz at iro@electionz.com or call 0800 666 045. Special votes can be cast at any of the ratification information hui, by post, or online.
Non-Registered members can still vote using a special voting pack as long as they complete a Ngāti Porou ki Hauraki iwi registration form before the end of the voting period. For the vote to be valid the registration would need to be verified by our Registrar. For iwi registration enquiries please contact our Registrar at: registrar@npkhrunanga.com
It is your right to make a decision on our future by voting and having your say. This is an important time for our people and everyone’s vote counts. We encourage whānau to attend our hui, view our Treaty Settlement and PSGE information on our website and read through our PSGE Trust Deed, prior to voting.